About Clark Aerospace
Clark Aerospace is a tier one extracurricular program at Clark College funded by the ASCC student government. Participating students get to experience real world engineering challenges and restrictions similar to what they would experience in the field, and develop a passion while receiving their education. Clark College is the premier community college in the world for these aerospace projects, as there is only one other community college in the country that provides these experiences.
Clark Aerospace is comprised of up to four individual teams, depending on budget and students involved. The first team is the Experimental Sounding Rocket Association (ESRA) team, a team that competes in the international Spaceport America Cup. Clark Aerospace is one of only three community colleges in the world participating out of 150 teams, and the only one that creates their own rocket motor. The IREC compeition also provides students the best-case networking scenario; nearly every major aerospace company in the country participates in the event, and teams are even encouraged to interact and form connections. Our second team is the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI) team, a team competing in the Student Unmanned Aerial Systems Competition (SUAS) run by RoboNation that of which, usually, is only one of two community college teams in the world out of 100+ teams. However the team is taking this year off of SUAS to improve its engineering and development skills. Lastly, there is the Combat Robotics team, which competes at the Western Allied Robotics Club against over 85 teams to create a 3lb bot to compete with and destroy other bots.